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The News  L.J.A.L.D.C

Music News

"Carlos Vives launches ofr the fist  time det  with Marc Anttony"

On monday the  video for the single released "when we meet ogain"

Colombia  singer Carlos Vives  monday  the video  for her  single "when we meet ogain" where he sings  a wet  with the New  York  salsa  singer Marc Anttony.

The song " when  we meet again"  the culombian singer  composed and produced by  Andres Castro in Miami.

Cultural  News

"Relatives of Gbo in Cartagena  ask ashes are  brought from Mexico"

Relatives  of  Gabriel  Garcia Marquez in Cartagena  want the  ashes  nobel  prize for literature  are carried Cartagena  to say their last goodbye  to his  brother  and  uncle, however, the decision will be taken by  mercedes  barcha  and children  lecoling in Mexico. The request was made by  Aida Rosa Garcia Marquez, Gabo  sister, so That th ashes be closer to his  family in latieroica.


"Rich Chocolate"

Delicious cream fieled chocolate peanut to fall in love  with  this girl  you like, giving him these   chocolate filled and covered   with  black  or white chocolates

a very special price

are sold each

¡¡ you have To Try¡¡